A Helping Hand
As a nurse, Shauna's heart already overflows with a desire to serve, and she found a perfect match in the welcoming arms of St. Philip.
“We were looking for the type of fellowship that I grew up in, that made an impression on me,” Jeff expressed.
Community and Peace
[H]er mother's wise words stuck in her heart. April knew she needed a faith community where she could find peace, use her gifts in music ministry, and be in a community with people she loved.
From Banking to Belonging
Glenn and Marcia found themselves embraced by a vibrant and welcoming community. They immediately felt a sense of belonging, and that sense of community became the cornerstone of their new chapter in life.
Hopeful Future: A Role
“I wanted to know what it felt like to do that. I feel like it is great to be a part of the church - to serve, to help with worship.
Vibrant Present: A Melody of Hope
Robin found out that in the most unexpected moments, God places us where we are needed most.
Rich History: “And then…”
Nearly every Sunday morning, one can find Joan DiLorenzo sitting in the exact same spot – lectern side, second pew from the front, aisle seat. It has been her seat for a very long time.
Sausage Gravy and Pancakes
At St. Philip, AJ has found friends, a way to be involved, and a worshiping community that supports him.
Path of Peace
At her first worship service at St. Philip, Judy felt comfortable, at home, and as if Joe was right there with her.
Tooting His Horn
To a younger Jim Seidel - a high school band director and professional musician - church was a location he attended to play his trumpet in exchange for a stipend. Although he attended church with his mother on occasion, it was a duty rather than a spiritual need.
My Faith was Gone
“During 56 years of marriage, we have attended many churches,” said John Iredell. “I had times where I really struggled with my faith, wondering where God wanted me, and what I was supposed to be doing for Him.”
Happy Ringer
Before moving to Myrtle Beach, Wendy Seidel, a life-long Lutheran, enjoyed worshipping and playing handbells at a Lutheran Church a short distance from Reading, Pennsylvania.
Somewhat Discouraged
Bob Taggart did not grow up going to church as a young child, so he did not have a strong religious upbringing. As a young adult, he began attending church in Virginia, but his employment moved him to Atlanta, Georgia, and he drifted away from the church. “When I met Betti”, Bob said, “she convinced me to return to church.”
Contagious Welcome
Angie Morris has always struggled to find a church that would accept her as a gay woman. As a young teenager, while attending the Catholic Church, she began to question her sexuality. After a challenging experience, Angie decided to leave the Catholic Church as a senior in high school.
Shark’s Tooth
St. Philip gives Dick opportunities to serve and live out his commitment to Christ which is evident through his involvement at St. Philip and in this community.
“I was looking for something that felt like home,” he shared. But the other churches didn’t quite give him that feeling. Something was missing. Terry’s first worship experience at St. Philip Lutheran Church was on Christmas Eve of 2021. “At St. Philip, it was like coming home,” Terry said. “The liturgy, the service itself, the whole package.”