Ordained in 1976, Rev. Beth Neubauer spent many vacations at the Grand Stand, seeking respite from her ministerial duties. When she retired from full-time ministry in 2017, she eagerly embraced a new chapter, immediately relocating from Maryland to her new home in Carolina Forest, wanting to live that vacation lifestyle permanently. Yet, the shift to Myrtle Beach, with its new surroundings and new faces, initially left her feeling disconnected. The familiarity of her past life seemed distant in her newly retired state.
And so Beth sought to find something that connected her to her life before. That’s when she discovered St. Philip Lutheran Church. “It is a place where I am fed in the pew,” Beth explains. “The worship here is rooted in a strong liturgical tradition, emphasizing Word and sacrament, complemented by a mission of service and outreach.”
At St. Philip, Beth has found more than just a connection; she encounters a faith that transcends her surroundings. Despite the newness of her environment, she felt an enduring presence of God. “There is a continuum of God’s grace,” Beth reflected. “I have been blessed wherever I’ve been, and I continue to feel that grace here.”
Beth’s connection with St. Philip continually reminds her of the broader communion of saints — those no longer on earth and those not in immediate proximity. “It’s not merely about friendship,” Beth remarks. “It’s about support in times of need, sharing joy, and being enveloped in music and song. It’s about community.”
Beth’s involvement extends beyond regular worship; through engaging in the church's outreach programs - including serving meals to the homeless and participating in Vacation Bible School - she has met people who have truly fleshed out the community. “It made me feel at home,” she says.
Through these experiences, she has found that while her location has changed, the fellowship of God’s people at St. Philip provides a steadfast connection to her faith and to a continuity in God’s grace, no matter where she is.
As we approach Pastor Jason’s sabbatical in the summer of 2024, Beth is set to become an integral leader in our community as our Interim Pastor. Her role will help others find their own connections within the continuum of faith at St. Philip, just as she has.